The story of former Chamber Music Northwest Protégé Project artist & Portland native Rebecca Anderson is a shining example of how CMNW gives back to the community.
Witness her journey from student to the captivating professional violinist and arts advocate she is today.
Video credit: Kimmie Fadem; Just Dandy Photography
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Photo: Just Dandy Photography.
Calling all Bookworms! Win a $500 Shopping Spree at Powell's City of Books – TODAY! Donate $10+ to #CMNW via #GiveGuide TODAY here: You'll be entered to win the literary shopping expedition of a lifetime! You. Powell's. $500. Think of the possibilities...
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Photo: Just Dandy Photography.
Big Give Day: Brasada Ranch Original video created for Chamber Music Northwest's 2017 Willamette Week Give!Guide.
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Photo: Just Dandy Photography.
Photo: Just Dandy Photography.
Photo: Just Dandy Photography.
Photos: Tom Emerson and Just Dandy Photography.
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Photo: Tom Emerson.
Today, give year-end giving a spin!
Join the “Inn” crowd!
Photo: Tom Emerson.